Friends of Northeast Denton - Determined to Save North Denton
We believe the preservation of the rural nature of Northeast Denton is good for everyone.
The city of Denton, along with the people of Denton, decided to keep a “rural fringe” to the north and codified that decision in the forward-looking City of Denton 2030 Plan and 2040 Plan. We believe rather than filling in every open space with high-density housing Denton should honor those plans and protect the rural nature of north Denton. Find out how you can help.
We advocate for the preservation of the rural nature of North Denton to save the areas near Hartlee Field Road and Clear Creek and to provide a rural space for all Dentonites to enjoy.
Friends of Northeast Denton
Our Concerns
The North Denton Neighborhood Association, an informal group of neighbors in the area, began our work when the Don Carter property which borders Hartlee Field Road (you can see much of it while standing on top of the waterslide and looking East) went up for sale. Arizona developer Taylor Morrison proposed putting 1,372 homes on the property. Their traffic analysis admits this will change traffic from 300 vehicle movements per day to over 15,000 movements per day through this rural neighborhood - including in and around Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center and Hodge Elementary. Thanks in part to our efforts that deal didn’t go through. But now an international investment fund has purchased the property and wants to put in 1,800 homes causing even more traffic and destroying the natural spaces and quiet of the area.